MiDataHub is your connection with districts all across the state of Michigan. From the Upper Peninsula to Detroit, the MiDataHub are used by nearly 60% of Michigan’s K-12 public school districts and over 1.2 million of the state’s students. The state legislature has set the goal of integrating 100% of ALL Michigan schools including charter and parochial by 2020. Our participation map is can be found here.
Pushing data into the MiDataHub through your vendor integration not only supports your currently contracted districts, but gives you access to all districts integrated in the data hubs through our catalog. We are open to working on agreements where you can also pull data from our Data Hub via an API Integration which allows for one point of change when integration updates are required.
Our future includes developing a collaborative purchasing space which will benefit vendors and districts across Michigan.
If you wish to register your product please complete the Participation Form.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about MiDataHub please contact MiServiceDesk.