Vendor/Sponsor/Owner: Vendor - SAS EVAAS for K-12
Contact: EVAAS Support Team,

SAS® EVAAS uses teacher and student information in files from the Michigan Data Hub to:

  • Provide districts with student and/or teacher reporting based on state summative assessments
  • Where sufficient data exists, provide districts with student and/or teacher reporting based on additional assessments administered by districts
  • Create user accounts for teachers
  • Update student enrollment for student reports

To opt in for teacher reports and student enrollment updates,districts will need to integrate their Student Information System with MiDataHub and publish over the student-teacher linkages from the most recent testing year and its student enrollment data for the current academic year. EVAAS will send updates to EVAAS district admins about due dates and other important information.

EVAAS provides teacher reporting and student enrollment updates for future years unless the district opts out. Contact Michigan Data Hub for information about opting out.

Documentation links:  
SAS EVAAS MiDataHub Data Configuration Guide and Requirements

This guide contains detailed instructions on how to complete the opt-in process, provides information on the data required for EVAAS teacher reporting, and includes directions on how to verify that the data required for EVAAS teacher reporting is populated in Michigan Data Hub (MiDataHub) as expected.

SAS EVAAS Readiness ScriptThe SAS EVAAS Readiness Script was designed to identify a district’s readiness level to receive teacher reporting. It includes a series of data validation checks to provide information around data missingness for a district to determine potential areas to address with their SIS vendor and MiDataHub.

 A video walkthrough on using the SAS EVAAS Readiness Script can be found here. (Please note, the tutorial in this video uses 2018-2019 ODS year for demonstration only. Districts should use the most recent completed school year’s ODS when running this script.)

SAS EVAAS Readiness Script Documentation
This documentation should be used alongside the SAS EVAAS Readiness Script to determine if any action needs to be taken based on the information generated by the script output.

Integration Steps:

  1. Log in to MiDataHub.
  2. Click on the name of the ISD that your district is in and choose the name of your district to get to your district landing page.
  3. From your district landing page, scroll to the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and click "Add Integration" in the API Integration box.
  4. Enter the following choices and click on the Submit Button.
    1. System Type: Data Warehouse
    2. Vendor: SAS Institute
    3. System: EVAAS - v1
    4. Allow UIC Auto Creation - Leave unchecked
  5. Only select the options above. Make sure the profile is selected as ‘None’ and no other checkboxes are selected.
  6. Scroll back down to the API Integrations area and click on the link labeled "Data Warehouse: EVAAS 1."
  7. Enter the information from this screen into the secure form

Each year, prior to the opt-in window closing, please verify data for the most recently completed school year is integrated with MiDataHub in the documentation links above.