Vendor/Sponsor/Owner: Eduready360

Phone: (412) 348-6360

Documentation Links:  
Refer to this helpdesk link for information about setting up a SIS integration in CTE-360: 

Integration Steps:
Step 1:  Login to MiDataHub by navigating to, select your district from the list, and login either using your local districts credentials (if federated to the SSO) or your MiDataHub Login (not federated to the SSO) 

Step 2:  Navigate to your districts MiDataHub cockpit 

Step 3:  Scroll to the API Integrations section (bottom right corner of screen) and click on the Add Integration link: 

Step 4:  Create the API using the selections below:

  • System Type: Career Planning
  • Vendor: Eduready360
  • System: CET-360
  • Profile: Rostering

Click Submit when these selections are made 
CTE 360 Config

Additional settings within the API Integration. 

CTE 360 config