Vendor/Sponsor/Owner: Vendor - Discovery Education

Vendor Helpdesk Contact:

Integration Steps:
1)  Navigate to your district landing page.
2)  Scroll down to the API Integrations Section and click the Add Integration link.(Ensure that there is not already an integration for Discovery Education)
3)  For System Type, choose Assessment
4)  For Vendor, choose Discovery Education
5)  For System, choose Discovery Education - V1
6)  For Profile, choose Assessment
6)  Check the Permit Access to OneRoster API Checkbox.
7)  Check the Include Student Demographics Info Checkbox
8)  Ensure the proper school year is selected and that it is populated with data.
9)  Click the submit button

10)  Scroll back down and click on the Assessment System:  Discovery Education 1 link
11)  Provide the OneRoster URLs, the key and secret to the Discovery Education implementation team when requested.